System Notifications


System notifications can only be customized on self-hosted installations.

System notifications are automated emails sent by Zammad for critical system events, such as account changes or SLA violations.

Unlike the automated emails you can set up using Triggers or the Scheduler, these notifications are built into Zammad itself: if you need to customize them, you will have to modify some of the files on your server.

When are they sent?

All users are notified of:

Staff (admins & agents) are notified of:

  • logins from a new device

  • logins from a new country

Agents are notified of:

  • new tickets

  • ticket updates

  • “ticket pending” reminders

  • SLA violations (before and after the deadline)

Daily reminder emails are sent at midnight (UTC) for all unresolved “ticket pending” reminders and SLA violations.

How can I customize them?

Inside your Zammad directory (usually /opt/zammad), email templates for various events are stored inside the /app/views/mailer directory, named according to the language they’re written in. Thus,


is the German-language template used to notify agents whenever a new ticket is created. To modify this template, create another file with the same name and add a .custom suffix:


Now, this file will be used instead of the original when sending notification emails in German.