
It is possible to create a quick login for your helpdesk via Twitter to do so, you need to follow these steps:

Register Twitter app

Go to and login with your account.

inital page

Click on „Create App“

new app page

Enter app settings. As „Callback URL“ you need to enter „https://zammad_host/api/v1/external_credentials/twitter/callback

After the app has been created, update the application icon and organization attributes.

set permissions to receive and send direct messages

Next we need to set read, write and access direct messages permissions for the app.

click on Keys & Access Token, note them

Go to „Keys and Access Token“ tab and note the „Consumer Key“ and „Consumer Secret“.

Configure Zammad as Twitter app

Go to „Admin -> Security -> Twitter -> Third Party Applications -> Twitter Section“

Admin -> Security -> Third Party Applications

Fill in the „Twitter Key“ and the „Twitter Secret“ and click the „Submit“ button.

Now you can link accounts via „Avatar -> Profile -> Link Accounts“ or login via Zammad login page.