
The web channel mainly affects your customers’ using the web interface. These settings allow you to restrict your customers ticket creation.


Core Workflows allow even further restrictions and actions if you need them. 🤓

The web channel settings page

Settings affecting your customer

Enable Ticket creation

You can forbid customers to create tickets via the web interface. This will remove the “➕” button on the lower left.

Default: yes


This does not forbid updating existing tickets via UI.

Group selection for Ticket creation

By default your customers may create tickets in all groups. As this may be an issue, especially when having several support levels or internal groups, you can always select a set of groups you want to be available.

Default: -


🤓 This does not affect your agents

Agents are affected by Group Access Levels.

Global settings affecting all users

Tab behavior after ticket creation

This setting allows administrators to provide a default behavior of Zammad’s tab after ticket update.

Default: Stay on tab


Users can always overrule

If your user decides to select a different tab behavior on any ticket, this action will be the new default behavior for that user.

Zammad remembers the decision of the user. 💾

Ticket zoom with tab behavior to choose for the user