
Product Name

Defines the name of the application, shown in the web interface, tabs and title bar of the web browser.

Default value: Zammad Helpdesk


Will be shown in the app and is included in email footers.


Defines the logo of the application, shown in the login page of Zammad.


Ensure to hit the “Submit” button after uploading the logo. Other wise your change will not be saved.

Screenshot highlighting the submit button of the logo change dialogue

Allows to set the default language of the Zammad instance. The here defined locale mostly acts as a fallback for:

  • user preferences (if Zammad can’t detect the users locale)

  • CSV output (reporting, time accounting)

  • notifications


Define the timezone of your Zammad installation.


This does not have any effect on timings for your agents or how Zammad stores date and time values.


Changing this value has direct consequences on the following areas:

  • Scheduler tasks

  • search indexing (and thus reporting)

  • notifications

  • calendar subscriptions

  • browser printing

Please note that some of above are fallbacks in case Zammad could not detect the agents timezone correctly.

Pretty Date

This setting allows you to define how Zammad should display time stamps within the interface to all users.


This does not have any effect on how Zammad returns e.g. time values via variables.

Choose in between the following options:

This timestamp is the one that changes the most. Over the time it will transition like so:

  • just now

  • 5 minutes ago

  • 3 days 1 hour ago

  • 03/04/2022


Hovering the timestamp helps, you’ll always get a clean timestamp if you do.


This timestamp makes Zammad to always include the week day. For one week after creation the timestamp will not contain the date itself: Thursday 18:35.

After a week it will switch to this: Friday 4. Mar 16:00.


This will cause Zammad to show a complete timestamp according to your locale defaults. For English this would mean: e.g. 2022/12/03 2:40 pm or for German e.g. 12.03.2022 14:40.


This is the most consequent timestamp in Zammad as it does not change it’s form and looks the same even over long time periods.

Default setting: relative.