Time Accounting

If you want to know how much time you need for your each project or ticket, enable time accounting (turn on the switch on the top left side of the page).

Time accounting management page in Zammad

How it works

Zammads time accounting uses ticket selectors (filters) to check if a ticket is applicable for time accounting or not. If a ticket applies for accounting, Zammad will request the agent to provide how much time was needed to process the current ticket step.


In order for Zammad to bring up the time accounting dialogue to an agent, the agent has to update the ticket together with any article type. The article part is mandatory.

However, the time accounting dialogue is not mandatory and can be cancelled by your agents if needed. You cannot enforce time accounting.

If a ticket no longer applies for time accounting, the already accounted time is not lost.


The selector applies to the ticket state before any attribute changes have been saved. That means if your agent is e.g. going to close a ticket alongside writing an article, the ticket selector has to match the ticket state before closing for the time accounting dialog to appear.

Time accounting ticket selectors

Reviewing accounted time

Below the selector configuration, Zammad provides an accounted time section which will contain all accounted times for your tickets. Accounted times are displayed per years and months.


Having tickets that are overlapping several months?
No problem! Zammad provides time units and time units total to allow partial billing.
Select the right month

Usually you want to bill accounted time of other months than the current one. Just select the relevant year and month to receive the accounted times and ticket information

Screenshot showing a selection for year and month on time accounting
Tickets and their accounted time

Zammad allows you to receive the accounted information just like you need them. For this you currently have four options to view and also download the relevant data as CSV.

To download the CSV data, use the arrow down ⇩ right next to each heading (e.g. “Ticket”).


🤓 Of course you can also automate this with API calls.


This filter works similar to the ticket filter, with one exception: You’ll find each individual time accounting step of your agents. This is what you’d also see in the tickets history before Zammad 5.2.

In this list you’ll see the following ticket information:

  • Number

  • Title

  • Customer

  • Organization of customer (if applicable)

  • Agent that accounted the time

  • Time units accounted in the current month

  • Created at


This filter contains all relevant tickets from the selected month.

In this list you’ll see the following ticket information:

  • Number

  • Title

  • Customer

  • Organization of customer (if applicable)

  • Agent currently assigned (ticket owner)

  • Time units accounted in the current month

  • Time units total (time accounted during ticket life)

  • Created at

  • Closed at (if applicable)


The CSV file of this filter provides all ticket meta information.


This provides you a per user filter on accounted time units. Each user has a total of time accounted in the current month (over all applicable tickets).

In this list you’ll see the following ticket information:

  • Customer

  • Organization of customer (if applicable)

  • Time units accounted in the current month


This provides a list of all organizations where customers have caused accounted time in that month.


You can also see entries for customers that are part of an primary organization. Users without organization can be found in the Customer filter.

Time accounting view with time accounted filters

Each heading allows you to download the CSV versions of the provided view via the downwards arrow.