

System notifications can only be customized on self-hosted installations.

System-Benachrichtigungen sind automatisierte Emails, die Zammad für kritische Systemereignisse wie z.B. Accountänderungen oder SLA-Verletzungen versendet.

Unlike the automated emails you can set up using Triggers or the Automatisierungen, these notifications are built into Zammad itself: if you need to customize them, you will have to modify some of the files on your server.

Wann werden sie gesendet?

Alle Benutzer werden über folgendes benachrichtigt:

Staff (admins & agents) are notified of:

  • Logins von neuen Geräten

  • Logins von neuen Ländern

Agents are notified of:

  • neue Tickets

  • aktualisierte Tickets

  • “ticket pending” reminders

  • SLA violations (before and after the deadline)

Daily reminder emails are sent at midnight (UTC) for all unresolved “ticket pending” reminders and SLA violations.

How can I customize them?

Inside your Zammad directory (usually /opt/zammad), email templates for various events are stored inside the /app/views/mailer directory, named according to the language they’re written in. Thus,


is the German-language template used to notify agents whenever a new ticket is created. To modify this template, create another file with the same name and add a .custom suffix:


Now, this file will be used instead of the original when sending notification emails in German.