

🚧 Self Hosted only 🚧

Below settings are only available to self hosted users. In hosted environments we’re handling these settings for you to ensure service stability.

Fully Qualified Domain Name

The URL of your Zammad installation.

This setting is used within Variables and notifications.


This setting is automatically set by the Getting Started wizard.


  • Changing this setting also changes callback URLs for your channels etc.
  • This setting can have negative affects on being able to login.
HTTP type

The HTTP type tells your installation how your clients connect. This is relevant for authentication and cookie security.

This setting is used within Variables and notifications.


This setting is automatically set by the Getting Started wizard.


  • Changing this setting also changes callback URLs for your channels etc.
  • This setting can have negative affects on being able to login.

This ID is being used within your ticket number. In case you’re communicating with another ticket system with similar ticket number schemes this ID greatly reduces the risk of false follow ups.

The SystemID is randomly selected upon installation of Zammad (1-99).


Do not change this setting in a productive system! Your Zammad installation may no longer recognize old ticket number based follow ups upon change!