Zabbix Integration

This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix 5.0 installation with Zammad using the Zabbix webhook feature. This guide will provide instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix.


  • Zammad with enabled HTTP Token Authentication
  • Zabbix version 5.0 or higher

Setting up a Zammad

  1. Enable API Token Access in Settings > System > API.

2. Create a new user for a Zabbix alerter with an email address and create a personal user token with ticket.agent permissions.

Zabbix Webhook configuration

Create a global macro

1. Before setting up the Webhook, you need to setup the global macro {$ZABBIX.URL}, which must contain the URL to the Zabbix frontend.

2. In the Administration > Media types section, import the Template

  1. Open the added Zammad media type and set:
  • zammad_access_token to the your Personal User Token
  • zammad_url to the frontend URL of your Zammad installation
  • zammad_customer to your Zammad user email.
  • zammad_enable_tags to true or false to enable or disable trigger tags. Important: if you enable tag support, each tag is set with a separate request.

4. If you want to prioritize issues according to severity values in Zabbix, you can define mapping parameters:

  • severity_<name>: Zammad priority ID
  1. Click the Update button to save the Webhook settings.

7. To receive notifications in Zammad, you need to create a Zabbix user and add Media with the Zammad type.

For Send to: enter any text, as this value is not used, but is required.

For more information, use the Zabbix