Sipgate (

This integration enables Zammad to provide a caller log to your agents. With this your agents can greet your customers by their name and are supported by Zammad with automatically opening a new ticket dialogue or the user profile.

If you want to learn more on how your agents can use this function, please refer the user documentation.


Automatically opening new ticket dialogues or user profiles requires agent to extension mapping - see more below.


Please note the following limitations to reduce confusion later on:

  • CTI integrations provide caller log functions only.

  • This integration does not provide any VoIP functionalities; you can’t make phone calls from within Zammad.

  • If your browser supports tel-URLs, you can click on phone numbers for automatic dialing. This requires additional software / configuration on your agent’s computers.


Please provide the following requirements:

  • You need an administrative Sipgate account for your organization.

  • Zammad requires a addon from the feature store.
    • Beachten Sie bitte, dass API-Aufrufe bei Sipgate nicht kostenfrei sind. Kosten können entstehen und von Account zu Account unterschiedlich sein.

  • Your Zammad instance must be allowed to communicate to external services.

  • Sipgate muss in der Lage sein Ihre Zammad-Instanz zu erreichen.

Setup Sipgate connection for Zammad

Learn how to configure Sipgate to enable Zammad and Sipgate to communicate with each other.

Available settings


Click the button next to the heading to activate or deactivate this function.


Below endpoint settings affect the configuration.


This endpoint is required for incoming call hooks.


This endpoint is required for outgoing call hooks.


All following options do not save automatically. Always use the Save button on the lower end of the integration page!


This option allows you to block specific incoming caller IDs. It allows you to temporarily reject e.g. spam callers without having to contact providers or PBX administrators.

Caller ID to block

Provide caller IDs to block in E.164 format.


Provide a meaningful note for your fellow administrators to remind yourself why you’ve chosen to block the number.


In many cases you may want to use a different caller ID depending on the destination you’re calling. This may apply due to specific connection rates to other countries or because you want your customer to feel you’re calling from the same country.


This option expects E.164 number formats.

Destination caller ID

The caller ID or number you’re trying to call.


You can use wildcards for e.g. country specific outbound numbers like:

  • 49* for Germany

  • 4930* for Berlin / Germany landlines

  • 33* for France

Set Outbound caller ID

The outbound caller ID to set (the number your customer sees on his display) in E.164 number format.


Provide a short description for fellow administrators.

Andere Einstellungen

Below you can find all available additional settings for this CTI integration. For your overview we’re sorting them by appearance and reference their description first.

Default caller ID for outbound calls

In many cases you may want to use a different caller ID depending on the destination you’re calling. This may apply due to specific connection rates to other countries or because you want your customer to feel you’re calling from the same country.


This option expects E.164 number formats.

Shown records in caller log

Allows you to set the number of shown caller log entries for all users. You can choose from the following values:

  • 60 (default)

  • 120

  • 180

  • 240

  • 300


🥵 Potential performance issue

Setting this setting higher than 60 may cause serious performance issues on very busy instances. Keep in mind that this setting causes Zammad to poll and send up to 300 records to all active agent sessions in very short time periods.

Phone Extension to Agent Mapping

By mapping your agents extension to their existing Zammad users, Zammad can provide a new ticket dialogue or open the user profile for the agent that picks up the call.

This speeds up ticket aiding, no matter if it’s for existing tickets or new ones!


The agent perspective is described within our user documentation.

Screenshot showing sample user mappings in between Sipgate and Zammad


You can find your agent’s Sipgate username within Accountverwaltung Benutzer. You’re looking for the SIP-ID.

Sample VoIP credentials for a Sipgate user


Users with several devices also have several SIP-IDs.

Recent Logs

With recent logs Zammad allows you to view the latest calls for the CTI functionality. This usually comes in handy, when you’re looking for errors.

Screenshot showing several incoming requests within Recent logs section.

I’m just here to clear floats up.

By clicking on the entry of interest, Zammad will provide more details on the call in question. You’ll see the payload it received and also the response that was sent.

Screenshot showing detailed information of a specific log entry of recent logs



My Phone page stays blank, signalling does work…

If you’ve made sure that signalling works (check Recent logs) and your Caller Log still stays empty, please ensure that you only configured one CTI integration version. Specifically defining more than one agent mapping on the different integration variants will be the issue.

Clear the not needed agent mapping and reload your browser page.