Setup Sipgate connection for Zammad


Sipgate has no english web interface which is why this documentation page is mixing up languages badly.
Please also note that the availability of API addons highly depends on your package trier. Usage of packages is not free, please check their pricing page before!
Step 1: Book package


Skip to step 2 if you already have the package booked!

Login to an administrative Sipgate account and navigate to Accountverwaltung. You’ll see several different options depending on your booked packages. Select Verträge & Produkte to continue.

Scroll down to the section Zusätzliche Produkte buchen and look for - select this product by using the Produkte anzeigen-Button.

On the next page select either one of the packages or Push-API Package Free. Follow the dialogue by booking the addon. You’ll be returned to your contract overview and now should see the selected addon in your list.


The availability for packages and their levels highly depends on the overall account type and product you’ve booked with Sipgate.

Screencast showing the process on how to book the required addon
Step 2: Configure webhook for Zammad

Within your Accountverwaltung navicate to your product In the newly opened tab, switch from “Clients” to “Webhooks” and paste the endpoint URLs from your Zammad instance like so:

  • Inbound endpoint to “Incoming”

  • Outbound endpoint to “Outgoing”


Ensure to select at least one call group or phoneline within “Sources”. Other wise Sipgate will not indicate any incoming or outgoing calls to Zammad.

Screencast showing how to add Zammads endpoint URLs to sipgate.ios webhook configuration
Step 3: Restrict the numbers to notify on

Having a lot of numbers that shouldn’t be used for notifying Zammad? Within the Webhooks → URLs section of Sipgate you can select which sources Sipgate should notify Zammad about in- and outgoing calls.

Use either specific phone lines or use the option “Use for all phonelines and groups” to notify Zammad about all existing lines of your Sipgate account.

Screenshot showing a sample selection of phone numbers to use for the Sipgates webhooks API


This section also allows you to enable a Debug log.

Screenshot showing an enabled Debug log option

After enabling you can use the Debug log section to see all sent webhook calls to Zammad. You’ll also can see the response.

Screenshot showing sample log entries for Sipgates webhook calls to Zammad
Step 4 (optional): Further configurations for Sipgate

If needed, you can now configure Zammads Sipgate integration in more detail. You can learn more about your options here: Sipgate integration settings.