Setup Guide

Whenever the Checkmk integration is enabled, Zammad listens for messages on its API and over email. As long as those messages follow the required format, Zammad will create new tickets (or find and update existing ones) based on the message contents.

That means that “setting up Checkmk integration” is simply a matter of adding configuration to your Checkmk site: telling it when to send these messages and what to say. To do that, you’ll need to create a new notification rule (see Checkmk’s official docs for help with that).

As part of this new rule, you’ll have to choose a notification method (i.e., a script to execute whenever the rule is triggered). This script will be written by you (samples below), and contain the logic for sending API/email messages to Zammad:

Checkmk "New Rule" dialog

Find your custom scripts in the Checkmk WATO under Notifications > New Rule > Notification Method.

Once you’re done setting up your new rule, you’re all set! New tickets should start coming in and auto-updating any time your rule is triggered.

(If you need help troubleshooting, be sure to check the Recent Logs.)

API Alerts

To add these scripts in the Checkmk WATO, copy them into your Checkmk installation directory and make them executable. (Be sure to replace the callback URL with the one found in your admin panel.)

Service notification

For updates on the status of the software running on your server (e.g., postgres).

# /opt/omd/sites/<SITE>/local/share/check_mk/notifications/zammad-service

curl -X POST \
  -F "host=$NOTIFY_HOSTNAME" \
  -F "service=$NOTIFY_SERVICEDESC" \
  -F "text=$NOTIFY_SERVICEOUTPUT" \ # see Admin Panel > System > Integrations > Checkmk > Usage
Host notification

For updates on the status of the server itself.

# /opt/omd/sites/<SITE>/local/share/check_mk/notifications/zammad-host

curl -X POST \
  -F "host=$NOTIFY_HOSTNAME" \
  -F "state=$NOTIFY_HOSTSTATE" \
  -F "text=$NOTIFY_HOSTOUTPUT" \ # see Admin Panel > System > Integrations > Checkmk > Usage


🤔 What’s with all the env vars?

Whenever Checkmk runs these scripts, it needs to provide some information about the event that triggered the notification. This information is passed in the form of these $NOTIFY_* environment variables.

You can specify additional parameters to pass to the script when you’re setting up your notification rule, but the ones you see here are all provided by default.

Email Alerts


🐞 There are known bugs in Zammad’s processing of email from Checkmk. This section will be completed once they have been resolved. (Learn more at GitHub issues #2377 & #2180.)

In the meantime, we encourage you to set up API alerts instead.