Security Keys

The security keys method is a type of a two-factor authentication that uses Web Authentication API in the browser for verifying user’s identity. The user can register multiple hardware or software security keys with their Zammad account and then they can use it during the sign-in process.

How it Works

When logging in, the user is prompted to provide the same security key they registered with their account, in addition to their password. This key acts as the second factor of authentication, providing an extra layer of security.

Security Key dialog in Safari on macOS

The type of the key can range from hardware USB sticks to passkeys stored in a device of user’s choice. Which type can be used depends on the browser flavor and the platform of the user.

Enabling the Security Keys Method

To enable the method, just toggle the switch on in the settings.

Security Keys Switch in Settings

Now the users will be able to set up this two-factor authentication method for their accounts via “Avatar -> Profile -> Password & Authentication”. Once they do, on next sign-in with password, they will be asked to provide the same security key they registered during the setup.