Subscription (SaaS)¶
The subscription settings page allows you to configure your instances package and number of agents required.
🚧 Hosted environment specific 🚧
This setting section is only available for Hosted setups. If you’re looking for on premise support contracts, please see the Zammad pricing page.
Here you can set up everything affecting your instance subscription functions like number of agents and package.
On top of the page you can find a subscription summary. You’ll find the number of used and available (booked) agent seats there. By using the see more link you can also expand an agent list to see the currently configured active agents. This list does not count accounts with admin permissions only.

Learn more on how to manage your agents in general here.
This section gives you an overview of the available plans and their functions / limits. If you require a more detailed table, check our detailed pricing table for more.
Your selection in this step will decide on the base agent price and e.g. agent limits that might apply in the summary step.
The green Selected button will also tell you what plan you’re currently in.
Trial instances are running at Professional with 3 agents. The plan cannot be changed during the trial for technical reasons, if you require more agents for testing, please contact our sales team with a reason for the raise request.

At the bottom of this block you can find a summary where you can adjust the settings of the previous selected plan.
Note that upgrading (more agents, higher package) is always possible, however, downgrading will only happen when your billing period renews.
Upgrading resets your billing period and existing credit will be deducted from the new total.
- Billing cycle
You can choose between either monthly or yearly billing. The price per agent will be cheaper if you decide for yearly billing.
If you’re still trying out things and are unsure of the right package for your instance, you may want to choose monthly first and then upgrade to yearly when you’re sure.
- Plan: (Starter|Professional|Plus) - Agents
Choose the number of agents you require for your instance.
Keep in mind that some packages may have agent limits. Depending on the previous chosen package, you won’t be able to exceed specific agent numbers. Also note that setting less agents than currently configured is not possible.
- Total
This will be the net total you’re going to be billed.
By using the Update subscription button, the instance package will be adjusted immediately. If you didn’t provide a payment method yet, Zammad will request you to provide one at this point.
In case you’re still within the trial period, this means that the trial will be over immediately!
Down- or upgrading during the trial period is not possible.

Billing Information¶
You can control all billing relevant information like invoices and the billing address.
All adjusted billing information below only affect future invoices. If your invoice was issued wrong, please contact our sales team.
- Billing address
Provide your company address here, make sure to include the name of the company in case required. This address will be referenced on your invoice.
Provide your VAT ID here. If applicable your invoice will not contain German VAT. Please make sure to pay the VAT in your country as required.
- Billing Email Address
Usually the instance owner (the person that registered the instance) will receive all emails including the invoices. In case you have your own billing department, you can provide their email address here.
All billing relevant information will then be sent to this email address.
Invoices are sent as attachment (PDF) to this email address.
Don’t forget to press the Update billing information button after you changed above settings.

Payment Method¶
You can pay via credit card or SEPA mandate.
- Credit card
Simply follow the dialogue by clicking authorize credit card and confirm -if required by your bank- your consent to Zammad using your card for the payments.
- SEPA Direct Debit
Provide the requested information of the bank account holder and update if you’re ready. You’ll then receive an email with the SEPA mandate.
Technically there’s also the possibility to pay via invoice, however - this method only applies to a fairly low number of instances. Please contact our sales team for more information.
Cancel Subscription¶
Do you want to cancel your subscription? In case you no longer want to use Zammad’s SaaS, you can cancel your subscription by using the red Yes, please cancel my subscription button.
To cancel the subscription, enter the FQDN of your Zammad instance and provide a reason for your cancellation.
Your subscription will end the day after your trial or billing period ends.
We will remind you about your cancelled subscription several times up front. After the subscription ended all instance data will be removed. A restore is not possible after that point!
😖 Cancelled by accident?
You can always undo the cancellation via the Yes, undo the cancellation of my subscription button up to the last subscription day!

Payment History¶
The payment history will display a history of all paid invoices. At this point you can also download these in case you need them again.
You will only find paid invoices here. Invoices that are to be billed are not available before the payment is completed.
- Date
Date of the invoice creation.
- Amount
Invoice total including VAT if applicable.
- Description
Contains contract period (monthly or yearly) and hosted plan for the subscription period in question.
- Payment method / Service period
Used bank account or credit card as well as the subscription period the invoice is about.
It might happen that the invoice date and subscription period differ. This is nothing to worry about, the subscription periods will be accounted later on.
- Receipt
Use the arrow to download the invoice in question. You can download all available invoices any time you need to here!

- I set up a trial account but am missing functions to test
The trial instance is running within the professional package allowing up to three agents.
- Can I change package within the trial?
No. As soon as the package is changed the subscription begins.
- What happens to my trial instance after the trial period ended?
Your instance will automatically be canceled for you. Please see What happens to my instance after it has been canceled? for more.
- What happens to my instance after it has been canceled?
That depends slightly on your instance state:
- Trial instance
If you’re still on trial, we will ice your instance and remind you once again about your instance. We then will wait some days and remove your instance from our system. This is the last time we will inform you by Email.
- Paid instance
If you’re a paying customer and canceled your subscription, the instance removal will take place the day after your last subscription day.
- Can removed instances be restored?
No. Once your instance has been removed, a restoration is not possible.