Managing Organizations via CSV Import

If your organization has information about customers (or personnel) already stored in a directory system that can export to CSV, you can batch-import them into Zammad in just three steps.

The CSV import dialog

Use the Import button to open the CSV import dialog.

Step 1: Inspect the sample .csv

Use the link at the bottom of the CSV import dialog (“Example CSV file for download”) to see how Zammad expects you to format your organization data.

Step 2: Export Your Organization Data to .csv

Prepare your .csv file according to the format found in Step 1 above. Note that:

  • the id attribute (column) should be left blank or removed entirely;

  • the name attribute is required; and

  • any other columns may be safely omitted as long as each row has the same number of fields (commas).

For instance:

Chrispresso Inc.,true,"",false,true,
Awesome Customer Inc.,true,"",false,true,
Zammad Foundation,true,"",false,true,

Several organization members can be added. Separate multiple values for one field with ~~~ as above.

Step 3: Import Your .csv to Zammad

Once your raw organization data has been submitted, Zammad will perform a test run to compute the number of affected records:

CSV import test run and confirmation dialog

CSV import always begins with a preview / test run.


🤔 How does it know when to create new records and when to update?

Records are updated when the imported data contains a name that matches an existing organization entry.

Click Yes, start real import to proceed. (If you’re importing a lot of records, be patient—it may take a minute.)

That’s it! 🎉🎉🎉